Lots to report from Alberta where Lynnette has been busy setting up easier ways for you to get cards to the kids. If you live in, or near, Camrose then you now have the option of dropping your cards off at two of the local businesses that are kindly acting as collection spots.
The Shirt Off My Back Tailoring
4937 - 49 Street (east of the main post office)
Mainstream Accounting
4704 - 49 Avenue, Suite E
We are so incredibly grateful to both of these businesses for supporting our efforts to collect cards for the kids! Please drop by and say "hello" to these lovely people.
The Shirt Off My Back Tailoring
4937 - 49 Street (east of the main post office)
Mainstream Accounting
4704 - 49 Avenue, Suite E
We are so incredibly grateful to both of these businesses for supporting our efforts to collect cards for the kids! Please drop by and say "hello" to these lovely people.